HSK 3 Grammar Practices and Mock Tests


Start with HSK 3 Grammar Practices

Tips from our teachers: Pace yourself no matter if it’s one or ten practices a day. Your goal is never just to complete the quizzes. Instead, you should be focusing on what you know and don’t know. Be relentlessly honest with yourself. Just knowing it or getting a 10 is not enough. Take notes. Spend time figuring out how to implement each grammar point.

Each quiz has 5-10 questions and will take you a few minutes to complete.

  1. Adjectives with "-ji le" 极了

  2. Adjectives with "name" and "zheme"

  3. Basic comparisons with "一样 yiyang"

  4. Expressing "rather" with "比较bijiao"

  5. Intensifying with "多duo"

  6. Reduplication of adjectives

  7. Turning adjectives into adverbs

  8. The Negative Structure “一……也/都+ 不/没……”

  9. The Successive Occurrence of Two Actions

  10. The Rhetoric Question "能(néng) ……吗(ma)?"

  11. Simple Complements of Direction

  12. "会(huì)" Indicating the Possibility

  13. Comparison of "还是(háishì)" and "或者(huòzhě)"

  14. Location word+V着(zhe)+Numeral+Measure Word+N

  15. "了(le)" Indicating a Change

  16. "越来越(yuè lái yuè)"+Adj/Mental V

  17. Comparison of "刚(gāng)" and "刚才(gāngcái)"

  18. V得(dé)/不(bù)+Complements of Possibility

  19. A跟(gēn)B一样(yīyàng) + Adj

  20. Expression of Approximate Numbers 1

  21. A把(bǎ)B+V+……

  22. 又(yòu)……又(yòu)……

  23. V1着(zhe)(O1)+V2(O2)

  24. "N+呢(ne)" Used to Ask about Location

  25. To Express a Period of Time

  26. "半(bàn)"、"刻(kè)"、"差(chà)" To Indicate Time Using

  27. To Express an Interest

  28. "又(yòu)" and "再(zài)"

  29. Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 1

  30. 越(yuè) + A + 越(yuè) + B

  31. A比(bǐ)B+ Adj+一点儿(yī diǎn er)/一些(yīxiē)/得多(déduō)/多了(duōle)

  32. "才(cái)" and "就(jiù)"

  33. 一边(yībiān)……一边(yībiān)……

  34. Compound Complements of Direction

  35. A把(bǎ)B + V + Complement of Result/Direction

  36. 先(xiān)……,再(zài)/又(yòu)……,然后(ránhòu)……

  37. 除了(chúle)……以外(yǐwài),都(dōu)/还(hái)/也(yě)……

  38. Expression of Approximate Numbers 2 "左右(zuǒyòu)"

  39. A把(bǎ)B+V+在(zài)/到(dào)/给(gěi)……

  40. Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns 2

  41. The Complement of Result "好(hǎo)"

  42. The Conjunction Word "那(nà)"


HSK3 Mock Tests

Tips from our teachers: Dedicate time to practice implementing each new concept or grammar point you encounter. Merely memorizing the rules or completing exercises is not sufficient. Experiment with different scenarios, create your examples, and apply the knowledge in practical contexts. This hands-on approach will solidify your understanding and help you internalize the subject matter.

To effectively utilize the mock tests for HSK3, consider the following strategy:

  1. Take the first mock test when you commence your HSK 3 studies. This will establish a starting point and identify areas where you need improvement.

  2. Take the second mock test when you are halfway through your HSK 3 preparation. This will help you assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to your study plan.

  3. Take the third mock test when you are approaching the end of your HSK 3 studies. This will serve as a comprehensive evaluation and allow you to identify any remaining weaknesses.

  4. Take the last mock test as a final review before your actual HSK 3 exam. This will help solidify your knowledge, boost your confidence, and familiarize yourself with the test format.